The Bells of Christmas (age 9-12)
by Virginia Hamilton
family ... traditions ... historical
Catalog: Twelve-year-old Jason describes the wonderful Christmas of 1890 that he and his family celebrate in their home in Springfield, Ohio.
A Christmas Carol (age 9-12)
by Charles Dickens
traditions ... growing up ... folklore ... spooky
A miser learns the true meaning of Christmas when three ghostly visitors review his past and foretell his future.
The Nutcracker (age 9-12)
by David Clement-Davies
traditions ... magic ... folklore
Catalog: After hearing how the toy nutcracker that she and her brother received for Christmas got his ugly face, Marie helps break the spell he is under and watches him change into a handsome prince. Illustrated notes throughout the text explain the historical background of the story.

Addison Elementary School, Sat Aug 25 11:55:25 2012
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