Magic Dogs of the Volcanoes (age 9-12)
by Manlio Argueta
magic ... folklore ... short stories
Catalog: When the magic dogs who live on the volcanoes of El Salvador and protect the villagers from harm are pursued by wicked lead soldiers, they are aided by two ancient volcanoes.
The McBroom Tall Tales Series (age 9-12)
by Sid Fleischman
short stories ... humor
McBroom tells hilarious tall tales about the old time farm life.
title: McBroom and the Beanstalk
title: McBroom Tells a Lie
title: McBroom Tells the Truth
The Ransom of Red Chief (age 9-12)
by O Henry
short stories ... humor
It seemed like a good plan. Kidnap the banker's kid. Hold him for ransom. So what went wrong? Little Johnny is on the warpath in The Ransom of Red Chief.
A Long Way From Chicago (age 9-12)
by Richard Peck
humor ... historical ... family ... short stories
Join Joey and his sister Mary Alice as they spend nine unforgettable summers with the worst influence imaginable--their grandmother!

Fairmeadow Elementary School, Sat Aug 25 11:55:30 2012
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