Protector of the Small Series (age 10+)
by Tamora Pierce
enterprise ... fantasy ... knights/castles/dragons
In the first book, First Test, Ten-year-old Keladry of Mindalen, daughter of nobles, serves as a page but must prove herself to the males around her if she is ever to fulfill her dream of becoming a knight.
title: First Test
title: Page
title: Squire
title: Lady Knight
Lyddie (age 10+)
by Katherine Paterson
enterprise ... historical
Impoverished Vermont farm girl Lyddie Worthen is determined to gain her independence by becoming a factory worker in Lowell, Massachusetts, in the 1840s.
The Master Puppeteer (age 10+)
by Katherine Patterson
the arts ... historical ... enterprise
Who is the man called Sabura, the mysterious bandit who robs the rich and helps the poor? And what is his connection with Yosida, the harsh and ill-tempered master of feudal Japan's most famous puppet theater? Young Jiro, an apprentice to Yosida, is determined to find out, even at risk to his own life.
A Single Shard (age 10+)
by Linda Sue Park
the arts ... voyages/journeys ... historical ... enterprise
Tree-ear is an orphan boy in a 12th-century Korean potters' village. For a long time he is content living with Crane-man under a bridge barely surviving on scraps of food. All that changes when he sees master potter Min making his beautiful pottery. Tree-ear sneaks back to Min's workplace and dreams of creating his own pots someday. When he accidentally breaks a pot, he must work for the master to pay for the damage. Though the work is long and hard, Tree-ear is eager to learn. Then he is sent to the King's Court to show the master's pottery. Little does Tree-ear know that this difficult and dangerous journey will change his life forever.
Stop the Train! (age 10+)
by Geraldine McCaughrean
enterprise ... historical
Cissy Sissney and her family are staking their claim. Along with a handful of other entrepreneurs, they've stepped off the train into the brand-new town of Florence, Oklahoma, and started building a future. But the president of the railroad says no more trains will stop in Florence, ever. Without the railroad, the town can't survive. So it's up to Cissy, her family, friends, and neighbors to stop the train any way they can.

Ohlone Elementary School, Sat Aug 25 11:55:33 2012
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