Cassie's Journey: going West in the 1860s (age 7-10)
by Brett Harvey
Catalog: A young girl relates the hardships and dangers of traveling with her family in a covered wagon from Illinois to California during the 1860's.
Coolies (age 7-10)
by Yin
family ... historical
A young boy hears the story of his great-great-great-grandfather and his brother who came to the United States to make a better life for themselves helping to build the transcontinental railroad.
The Ballad of Belle Dorcas (age 7-10)
by William H. Hooks
folklore ... historical ... spooky
When she falls in love with Joshua, a slave, free-born Belle Dorcas uses the magic of a conjer woman to keep Joshua with her.
Immigrant Girl: Becky of Eldridge Street (age 7-10)
by Brett Harvey
family ... historical
Becky, whose family has emigrated from Russia to avoid being persecuted as Jews, finds growing up in New York City in 1910 a vivid and exciting experience.
My America Series (age 7-10)
letters/journal ... historical
Girls and boys growing up during exciting moments in America's history tell their stories.
title: Our Strange New Land by Patricia Hermes F HER
title: My Brother's Keeper: Virginia's Civil War Diary by Mary Pope Osborne F OSB
title: Westward to Home: Joshuas Journal by Patricia Hermes F HER
title: Flying Free by Sharon Dennis Wyeth F WYE
title: Five Smooth Stones: Hope's Diary by Kristiana Gregory F GRE
title: The Starving Time by Patricia Hermes F HER
title: Freedom's Wings by Sharon Dennis Wyeth F WYE
On the Mayflower: the Voyage of the Ship's Apprentice and a Passenger Girl (age 7-10)
by Kate Waters
voyages/journeys ... historical
A twelve-year-old apprentice and a seven-year-old passenger experience the first voyage of the Mayflower.
Magic Tree House Series (age 7-10)
by Mary Pope Osborne
adventure ... historical
Jack and Annie discover a mysterious tree house that transports them to another time and place...there the adventure begins.
title: Christmas in Camelot

Palo Verde Elementary School, Sat Aug 25 11:55:34 2012
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