Trail of Apple Blossoms (age 8-11)
by Irene Hunt
nature ... historical
Catalog: Johnny Appleseed's good will and humanity towards all living things is felt by a family settling in the Ohio wilderness.
The Legend of Thunderfoot (age 8-11)
by Bill Wallace
adventure ... nature
The day of the Naming is an important one for young roadrunners. That's when roadrunner parents judge the speed, courage, and hunting skill of their offspring and choose fitting names for them. One proud fledgling dreams of being named Muscles, or Dash, or even Hunter. If only he hadn't pursued those three juicy grasshoppers for a final snack. If only he'd remembered his parents' lesson: "Always look before you leap." If only he'd paid more attention to the mouse family that had lost two children to a nearby snake. If only the rattler had given some warning before it struck.... Miraculously, the young roadrunner survives the attack, but not without damage. With their son's feet swollen to such an enormous size, his parents have no choice but to give him the humiliating name of Thunderfoot. It's enough to make a roadrunner wallow in self-pity and give up. But the only thing bigger than Thunderfoot's feet is his heart, and with some not always gentle goading from a wise old gopher tortoise named Berland, he finds the courage to go forward and seek his destiny, and to become the stuff of legends.
The House of Wings (age 8-11)
by Betsy Cromer Byars
nature ... animals ... family
Left with his grandfather until his parents are settled in Detroit, Sammy learns to respect and love the old man as they care for an injured crane together.
The Wainscott Weasel (age 8-11)
by Tor Seidler
nature ... friendship
All sorts of creatures live near the Wainscott woods on the South Fork of Long Island, but the most remarkable citizens of this seaside community are the weasels, including Zeke Whitebelly and his boisterous brothers, Bagley Brown, Jr., and Wendy Blackish. This whimsical story about nature and friendship is beautifully illustrated.
Mustang: Wild Spirit of the West (age 8-11)
by Marguerite Henry
historical ... animals ... nature
A fictional retelling, from the point of view of Annie Bronn Johnston, of how she fought to protect the American wild horse, the mustang, from extinction because of professional killers who chased the horses for personal gain.
Who Really Killed Cock Robin? (age 8-11)
by Jean Craighead George
nature ... mystery
Citizens of Saddleboro are proud to say that theirs is the cleanest town around. So they can't ignore the mysterious death of their mascot, Cock Robin. Some people would like to blame the citizens themselves, but one boy, Tony Isidoro, suspects there's more to the story.
Wringer (age 8-11)
by Jerry Spinelli
identity ... friendship ... nature ... growing up
For as long as he can remember, Palmer LaRue has dreaded the day he turns ten, the day he'll take his place beside all the other ten-year-old boys in town, the day he'll be a wringer. But Palmer doesn't want to be a wringer. It's one of the first things he learned about himself and it's one of the biggest things he has to hide.
Kavik the Wolf Dog (age 8-11)
by Walt Morey
friendship ... nature ... survival ... adventure ... animals
Following instinct alone, a wolf-dog embarks on a fantastic journey over 2000 miles from Washington to Alaska to return to the boy who once saved his life.
Rabbit Hill (age 8-11)
by Robert Lawson
friendship ... nature
When humans move to the hill, the families already in residence worry about whether they will be good neighbors or not.

Walter Hays Elementary School, Sat Aug 25 11:55:30 2012
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